al franken's truth
rephrasing something from al franken's the truth
bush was not elected in 2000. thus, he was not re-elected but elected in 2004 which means that he can run again in 2008...that is the downside of it :P
rambling on, accelerating thru the traffic-lights, taking u-turns, tackling speed-breakers, slowing down during dips, rambling on, till the end of the road.....
rephrasing something from al franken's the truth
dont ask me why i was chatting with the cellphone-sporting-carla-vandhu-eranging girl who picks up trash from my office...thats another story...anyway, she was telling me that she is a us citizen, half-mexican-half-filipino who comes once a day to pick up trash and clean our restrooms in the evening. i was gonna throw the stuff from my recycle bin when i decided that i may need something from it...some paper that i will refer to at a later time from the recycle bin...yeah, i am that disorganised :) anyway, she started off about how a woman took her stuff from her trash can and stole her ssn. the irs called her and asked if she had multiple jobs and was checking y she was not paying the necessary taxes...when describing who the woman was the girl went on: she was from you know where...ehhh....a moslim or something and then gave a really dirty look....i guess the success of the bush administration's campaign to malign all moslems is measured by stuff like this. way to go man!!
who the hell is this fica man? y is he taking all my money....:'(
i am an extremely unhappy person these days...i rant so much abt stuff happening in the rest of the world to my colleagues that they are ready to kill me....
am not sure if i was not watching cnn all these days or something but all the iraqistan coverage totally blocked out any coverage of the rest of the world...i also wondered how bbc had not covered any of then struck me that there is a tab at the side that has news from africa...they had it all there...of course i knew abt the genocide there and all...just that i didnt realise the extent of damage till i read more about it...its appalling...anyway, this is my bit.
taking offence to a comment by a co-blogger, i hereby declare that i will not be truthful (interpreted unnecessarily as mean/rude by some unwanted elements in the blogworld) in my comments and that i will be nice (thiruvalluvar-e sollitaar* that to be nice to ppl, poi sollalaam) to one and all "naam ke waasthe"**. dear god, plz forgive me for all the lies that i will be saying from today.
worst!!! ellam mudinju pochu :( surya-ku ippo enna avasaram kalyanathukku...cha! naan indha vaaram full-a mourning :'(